Endor Interview

Endor thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to have a chat with us, we are so excited to have you at thirty3Hz on the 3rd.
In my eyes you have become one of the largest successes through Soundcloud, how has Soundcloud helped you with your career?
Soundcloud has been really good for me, it’s given me a platform to get my music out there. I probably wouldn’t be where I am right now without it! But the copyright thing has been massive recently, with some huge artists losing their accounts. In a way it’s good, because it reminds you that music is transient and reputation as an artist is more important.
I’m sure they’ll delete my Soundcloud eventually. It would really suck to lose all my followers... but if that happens I’ll just remember, Jesus only needed 12!
When did you start producing your own tracks?
I started producing tracks when I was about 16... but when I was a kid me and my bro used to record ourselves on cassette playing the guitar. We used a really beat up MIC, I can’t remember where we found it, but it plugged into our dad’s hi-fi and we were away. I have some great memories of doing that! It’s weird to think that making records is my job now!
A favourite remix of mine of yours was ‘Sadhu - Say What’. Do you have a track of your own which you could bump everyday/every set?
Right now I’m hammering a remix I’ve done of La Roux - In For The Kill (Skream Remix)... yeah it’s a remix of a remix, but it always goes down well in my sets.
Has there been a certain track which you feel has had most coverage or a track which pushed you into the house scene outside of the Soundcloud realm?
Yeah for sure, the Leona Lewis remix. It broke radio for a bit and I think I got a nice handful of spins on Radio 1. It definitely gave me a boost but I’d love to better it with one of my originals.
When did you decide to start touring? As you have been on the scene for a few years now and we have only just seen your name out and about!
Well for ages I stayed off the radar and only made music. I’m not sure why, but maybe I wasn’t ready. Until one day (last summer), I decided it was time to go for it. I went to play my debut show in Dublin, Ireland. The promoter even flew my bro out and we had steaks and Guiness and as much vodka as we could drink! It was just such a wicked experience and I got a taste for it straight away. I soon found out that not all shows are like that though!
Where does the name Endor come from?
Sadly there’s no cool story for this! Endor is a planet in Star Wars... it was just a working title but it stuck!
When you begin a remix or producing a track do you already have a vision of what you want it to sound like?
Sometimes, but if I do have an idea of what I want to make, 9 times out of 10, the track will end up completely different! My phone is full of voice notes of me humming basslines or melodies of stuff I plan to make haha!
Who have been your influences in recent years with music, to me your sound is very unique but I am curious to know if there is anyone who you really look up to?
Thanks! All the usuals in terms of house music, I won’t bother to name drop! What I will say is, I get my influences from a lot of stuff that ISN’T house... plenty of grime, garage, dancehall, techno, etc. I’d say my grime collection is bigger than my house collection. I used to download every MC’s mixtape, no matter how shit they were. There’s just a certain quality to it, a rawness maybe. It’s never “overproduced” which is a trait I want to bring back into my own music. Simple & bold.
Listening to house music to get inspired doesn’t work for me!
As an artist do you want to venture into other genres or is house and dance the route you want to carry on with?
Well for the past six months I’ve been working on a load of tech house/techno tunes that I’d love to release one day... maybe not under Endor, maybe a new project. I reckon I’ll be doing a lot more garagey stuff over the next year and maybe even some pop... It will always revert back to house though.
Is there anyone who you would like to collaborate with old or new?
I’m a bit of a lone wolf at the moment! I feel that I need to work on my own sound and get that in check first. I’ve done collabs in the past and they’ve been cool but right now I gotta keep my head down and do my own thing.
What can we expect from Endor in the next couple of months or next year! and what can we expect from you at 33z on the 3rd of October?
Look out for the Skream bootleg which is dropping soon! I’ve also got a few official remixes on the way, plus the next Flight Mode (FM003) will drop before Christmas. Most importantly though my first original stuff is gunna appear... we’re putting the pieces in place for a really funky little track that should be out in November at the latest.
For 33hz expect a few unreleased Endor tracks and maybe some old garage classics... it’s always pretty spontaneous though, I’ve no idea what I’ll actually end up playing!
Thank you so much and can’t wait to have you in Guildford!
You’re welcome! Looking forward to it x